2022年3月下旬, 上海市政府下令封锁该市, 许多人认为这一措施将是短暂的. 然而, 直到两个多月后才解除封锁, 在此期间,这座城市与日益增长的经济和社会压力作斗争.
上海封锁的影响给企业带来了相当大的压力, with the entire operational chain being affected; From closed loop arrangements and production sites shutting down to an almost complete stop in the distribution of goods (except for some food purchases) and port 操作 grinding to a halt.
虽然今年夏天出现的封城事件有所减少, 中国零冠政策的影响仍在继续. 中国经济在第二季度勉强避免了收缩, however uncertainty about future lockdowns and a slump in the property market have badly damaged consumer and business confidence.
在该地区的PG电子官方免费下载公司也未能幸免. To find out how much Swedish companies have been impacted and how they are coping with the continued pandemic headwinds, Business PG电子官方免费下载 and the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in 中国。 (SwedCham) jointly conducted a flash survey, 询问有关其业务运营和中断的关键问题. 该调查于2011年进行st 8月及6日th 9月,PG电子官方免费下载商会46家会员公司回应.
Survey results show that national containment efforts have continued to strongly disrupt Swedish companies’ 操作 in the country in the short term and negatively affect their mid- and long-term views of 中国。’s market.
正在实施的流行病控制措施对供需产生了直接影响. Over 90 per cent of respondents to the survey reported a negative impact on their production and 85 per cent on their supply chains and revenues, 分别. 这与我们的研究结果一致 以前的调查. While the two surveys are not directly comparable due to the difference in response rate and respondent base, these findings show that pandemic containment efforts continue to negatively impact Swedish companies in 中国。.
通过采取预防措施, Swedish companies are staying active and agile in countering the negative effects of the government’s approach to the pandemic. 在回应, 65%的受访者便利了在家工作的安排, 33%的公司增加了安全库存, 30%的企业实现了供应商基础的多元化. 除了这些此时此地的措施, more than one fifth of companies (22 per cent) are considering shifting work to other countries and more than one in ten (11 per cent) said they are looking to relocate regional functions away from 中国。. 这些发现与我们4月份调查的证据一致.
中期影响公司的政策和限制, 对国际旅行的限制是人们最关心的问题. 受访者, 入境检疫(61%), 入境限制, 例如受限制的商务签证(52%), 飞行限制(54%)是最令人不安的问题之一. 与此相关, 77 per cent of respondents said that pandemic control measures have had a negative impact on their foreign staffing efforts.
The restrictions on movement are a concern for many companies with nearly 60 per cent indicating that lockdowns of residential areas are one of their top three concerns and 48 per cent saying that domestic travel restrictions are a concern for their business. It is worth noting that only one in five companies (20 per cent) say that frequent PCR testing requirements is a top concern.
在中国加强疫情防控的背景下, PG电子官方免费下载公司已经开始重新审视他们在该国的投资. 这导致了市场预期的降低, with 75 per cent of respondents reporting a negative impact on their investment plans; 30 per cent of these described the impact as very negative (4 or 5 on a 1-5 scale). 除了, 80 per cent of respondents say that the recent Covid-19 development and management measures have negatively affected their company's view of the attractiveness of the Chinese market, 15%的人认为影响很严重.
展望未来, 64 per cent of respondents expect their business performance in 中国。 to worsen over the next two to three years compared to their pre-pandemic performance. 只有16%的人预计情况会有所改善.
It can be challenging to understand the complexities of the Chinese market in the current climate. 一方面,一方面, 中国市场规模, 潜在的, 和增长前景都使这个国家对PG电子官方免费下载公司具有吸引力. 而另一方面, 正如这项调查所证明的那样, uncertainty about when and how 中国。 will step away from its strict zero-covid policy is continuing to undermine both consumer demand and business confidence. And it is not only the zero-covid approach that is contributing to the uncertainty in the market; both global and domestic issues are adding layers of ambiguity to 中国。’s medium to long-term outlook.
While the exact strategy for navigating these uncertain times will differ depending on the business nature and value chain configuration of each company, 所有公司都需要对自己在中国的存在和计划形成积极的看法, 并主动建立弹性和提高敏捷性,以应对未来的中断. 通过快速行动, 聪明, 保持敏捷, PG电子官方免费下载公司将提高他们在市场上持续成功的机会.