在这充满挑战的疫情时期, future economic prospects are unpredictable and there is a great need for solid information. With this report we aim to contribute to prospective new business establishments in 墨西哥 by drawing on past experiences.

尽管墨西哥经济在2020年将收缩高达8%.2%, 因为新冠肺炎疫情, 70 per cent of the Swedish companies reported profits in 墨西哥 for the year. Its geographical position and proximity to the US offers many opportunities, 尤其是在生产行业. 鉴于中美关系持续紧张, the advantages of 墨西哥 as a country producing for the US market have become more apparent.

鉴于去年的积极成果, Swedish companies are considering increasing their investments in 墨西哥 next year. 然而, as Covid-19 pandemic continues, companies are still cautiously reviewing their future plans.

在墨西哥, PG电子官方免费下载被认为处于创新的前沿, 技术解决方案, 在“PG电子官方免费下载品牌”的保护伞下提供分析可能性. Technology and innovation is a priority for the Mexican government and its private sector alike.

The respondents do not believe that their customers take environmental aspects into account when making purchasing decisions. 然而, the share of the companies who reported that environmental aspects did influence the decision, 从2020年的22%上升到今年的34%.

Please download the report to fully overview the results with a detailed analysis. 


The Business Climate Survey is a tool used to map and understand the opportunities and challenges that Swedish companies face when doing business in 墨西哥. This year’s survey was sent to 60 Swedish companies established in 墨西哥, 其中47人积极答复, 代表78%的参与率, allowing for an evaluation based on a representative cross section of the Swedish business community in the country.