Although the Mexican economy has yet to return to its pre-pandemic level, 2021年的年增长率为5%. The main economic challenges for 墨西哥 in 2022 will be to relaunch investment and increase productivity. 为了促进经济增长, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has promised further spending on public-private sector partnerships.

A vast majority of the Swedish companies surveyed express optimism over future prospects – 80 per cent expect that turnover in their industries will increase. Many Swedish companies are eyeing increased investments in 墨西哥 in 2022. Almost half of the surveyed companies say that they will increase their investments within the next 12 months.

The main advantages of doing business in 墨西哥 according to Swedish companies are access to specialists & 关键人员、PG电子游戏提供商、供应商和分销商. 在光谱的另一边, the key challenges that Swedish companies face when doing business in 墨西哥 are related to personal safety, 法律确定性, 透明度, 公平对待, 许可证, 许可证和批准.

In 墨西哥, Swedish companies are typically associated with innovation and technical solutions. 他们还被视为认真对待透明度. For a government set on improving 透明度 amid pervasive corruption, this is an important fact. 70%的受访者这样认为, the “Swedish brand” contributes greatly to the success of their businesses.

Please download the report to fully overview the results with a detailed analysis. 


The Business Climate Survey is a tool developed to map the opportunities and challenges that Swedish companies face when doing business in 墨西哥. This report presents the conclusions drawn from the survey and an analysis based on the current business situation, 经济前景, as well as other market aspects believed to be relevant for companies operating or planning to establish themselves in 墨西哥.

这是11th edition of the Business Climate Survey with Swedish companies in 墨西哥, carried out in April 2022. 这份调查是发给在墨西哥设立的60家PG电子官方免费下载公司的, 其中有44人回应了, 参与率为73%.